There has been a recent surge of vape shops in the Bournemouth area, with 16 current retailers and many more planned for future development.
With over 3.2 million users in the UK, e-cigarettes are a popular mechanism used to help quit smoking.
However, a recent study has shown that vape pens often contain harmful substances that may cause serious health implications. These can include lung disease and cancerous illnesses.
Will Edge, an assistant at Paradox vape shop in Bournemouth, said: “Vaping is the lesser of two evils but it will never be worse for you than smoking.”
The 32 year-old said: “I believe that ten minutes spent in a city is worse for you than any amount of vaping.”
“The lesser of two evils.”
Furthermore, vaping as a social activity may encourage users to test out tobacco cigarettes, especially amongst youth.
John Dicey, global CEO and Managing Director of Allen Carr’s Easyway, said: “The real argument against vaping is the impact of being enslaved by the drug.”
The wide variety of appealing flavours could act as a gateway to tobacco smoking rather than a breakaway. Watermelon and apple are two of the many popular e-liquids available.
Despite this, Deborah Arnott, Chief Executive of ASH (Action on Smoking and Health), said: “Smoking rates have gone down and vaping has been a major part to this.”
Anyone seeking help to quit vaping can contact Allen Carr’s Easyway, a support service available in Bournemouth.
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