A planning application made by the Hilton Hotel to build a three-level front extension on the building will be decided on at a meeting on Monday.
The application, which was made in October last year, would see substantial changes to the look of the front of the hotel.
The recommendation is to refuse the planning application due to: “Inappropriate scale and siting; Incongruous addition; Out of keeping; Loss of landscaping/trees; Unacceptable impact on designated heritage asset.”
In the public agenda and report, its further explained that due to the “siting, scale, and design of the extension, the development would disrupt the curve and design of the original building”, and it “would not respect the established building line thereby blocking important views of the Grade II Listed terrace on Upper Terrace Road.”
“The loss of the existing landscaping and trees required as part of the original scheme, together with inappropriate replacement landscaping, would be detrimental to the character of the area.
For these reasons, the development is considered to constitute poor design, would result in an incongruous addition to the original building and would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area.”
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