The Winton Police team have made clamping down on Car Crime in the area a priority following concerns from residents that not enough is being done.
As of January 2019, car crime is one of the top priorities for police to tackle within the Winton area.
This has come about following concerns amongst locals that not enough is being done to prevent it.
In response to these concerns, the Dorset Police have released details on their website which outline what is being done to try and deal with the growing issue.
They have stated: “We have been patrolling the area at the times when these incidents have been occurring. We have also been giving out crime prevention advice via our Dorset Alert system, over social media and whilst out on patrol.”
With these implications in place, the local policing team will be hoping that they can finally put a lid on car crime across Winton.
The above map highlights where Winton can be found in Bournemouth
Crime in relation to motor vehicles has become an national epidemic.
Tackling it across the country seems at times be a thankful task.
Councillor for Wallisdown and Winton East, Nigel Hedges, expressed his concerns saying: “Car Crime is seemingly deemed to be ‘down’ across the country but keyless access to vehicles sees scanners employed to steal the signal codes and cars can be driven off seemingly very easily which of course the car industry must and is addressing.”
These concerns have been echoed by Winton residents, but it seems the Police are doing everything in their power to ensure this issue can be resolved.
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