Norah Cozen’s the author of “The Answer to PCOS” explains the two different kinds of cysts and the experiences women with PCOS go through in the process of attempting to conceive. Watch her explain below: Follow us on Twitter: @O_vary
Features for Change
Ruby recalls her PCOS check ups
PCOS sufferer Ruby recalls her doctors visits. She emotionally explains how she’s been passed around from doctor to doctor with no real help or progression. Listen to her story below: Follow us on twitter: @O_vary
For Dummies: 5 need to know facts about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a common yet seldom talked about hormonal condition, women with the condition produce excess male androgens (hormones) such as testosterone. PCOS also enlarges a woman’s ovaries and they contain fluid-filled sacs (follicles), which surround the eggs. Often women may exhibit symptoms and never get diagnosed because they are unaware of what is going […]
Abortion in Northern Ireland: Implications and influences behind the law
In England, and most recently the Republic of Ireland, abortion is offered as a routine part of NHS healthcare. In Northern Ireland however, procuring or performing an abortion remains illegal in almost all cases unless a woman’s life is at risk. Fatal foetal abnormalities, rape and incest are not circumstances in which abortions can be […]