Wanting to donate this Christmas? Here’s NHS Blood and Transplant‘s top 10 reasons why your donation is essential… Blood is needed 365 days a year. Your blood can end up in any hospital across the country, regardless as to where you donate – and you get notified as to when your donation’s used, too! “You […]
The Winter Appeal: How your blood donation can save a life this Christmas
Help fill the stocking this year – make and keep a date to donate NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is making a countywide appeal for people to give lifesaving blood donations over the Christmas period. In December alone, 600 donation appointments at the Poole donation centre remain unbooked. NHSBT is strongly advising people across […]
Interactive map of childhood obesity in Bournemouth and Dorset
This interactive map includes data taken from Public Health England and the National Child Measurement Programme (2017). The data is collected from samples taken every year from reception and year 6 classes across the country which detail the percentage of children who are obese or overweight in both age groups. Regional and inclusive reports can […]